Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January so far...

Our new year has been a good one so far. Weather wise we had a benediction of warm weather. There has been the usual winter reading and games. I have won every game of Settlers I have played in 2010. Albeit I have only played one game. We played a game called Puerto Rico with the Stobbe's that I would highly recoomend.
Niki and I were able to partake of a "Sonic Session" with Tegan and Sara. It was really neat, and the ladies signed our vinyl for us. Now we just need to get a record player...
Edmonton has a Ice Festival every year, which takes place right near our library. We have to return items to the library weekly, too many cd's, so of course we had to check it out.
Last weekend was Gilead's annual winter feast. Niki and her co-worker Paul were the MC's. I thought they both did a great job. The buffet was delicious, and I did not overeat. The only seconds I had was the salmon, it had scallops and shrimp in it. The Mennonite in me was whispering how expensive and good it was, so I had to get more.
All in all, a good January so far. There were even some free hour long massages at a spa. Hopefully the rest of the year is as good.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Xmas and New Years

We are back in Edmonton and settling into semi normality. Niki and I really enjoyed our two week Christmas and New Years holiday on the Island. I am just going to list the highlights, as writing it all out would take too long and probably bore any readers.
  • G & T (Gin and Tonic) served by Laurie. My brother Ryan is very jealous after my ranting and raving about how the Fowler household is so comfy, warm and my beautiful mother in law has drinks and food always readily available.
  • Christmas with the Fowler's. Different Christmas traditions are neat, and I really enjoy the Fowler routine.
  • The movie marathon. Yup, watched roughly thirty-six hours of movies, and it was great. I guess seeing Avatar in 3d would fall into this. Go see it.
  • Seeing Hovan, good times hanging out and hearing about his and Christine's world travels. His beard was also awesome.
  • Spending some time with family in Mill Bay. Meeting baby Kirk, he's cute and looks like his Grandpa Neufeld when he's annoyed. Ciara is a little ball of energy and I think her parents of going to be perpetually tired for years to come. She seems to love her Auntie Niki, especially because Auntie Niki will read and play for hours on end with her.
  • New Years in Campbell River. Lanyon's are awesome hosts. Ben always brings the awesome, and Kirstin is amazing. Both their kids are adorable and are at the age when they are more entertaining than anything Hollywood can produce. Putting on a suit and going to a wedding on New Years was also a blast.
  • The usual relaxing, walkies, warm Victoria weather, napping, eating, giving of gifts, receiving of gifts, teasing of sister-in-law and general good times.
  • Breakfast at the Blue Fox with the Andrachuk's, Niki and Hovan. 
  • Learning via the winter ale fest that while the Hermannator is a very tasty beer, limiting yourself to one is usually a good idea.

I probably missed a few things, we had a really great time. Thanks again to Brian and Laurie for such a great Christmas and the Lanyons for hosting us at New Years.
Happy 2010 everyone.