Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Centennial Grandma!

If she were alive still today, my mum's mother would have turned 100 years old today. I am lucky to have so many strong, independent women in my family, helping pave the way for my cousins and I to find a path of our own. Last year we had a Guthrie Family Reunion with all the cousins and relatives from this side of the family, and it was amazing to see such a strong group of friendly and fun people. My Aunt and uncle Pete pulled together all these old photos and documents, and compiled an amazing family tree.
Vera Florence Guthrie was born in 1912 in Edmonton, as the eldest of 9 children. She grew up in Grand Prairie, Alberta with her father working as a chef with a restaurant in town. She was quite tall, at 5'8", which is likely where my sister and I have inherited the height gene, as my mum is 5'10". Two of her brothers died in early childhood, but the 7 surviving siblings were quite close.
  Grandma and her youngest brother Bryan

Guthrie Siblings
Horseback riding in Grande Prairie
Family Photo 1945
She moved south to the big city of Edmonton after she was done school to work as a pianist. She had a very vibrant life in her 20s, playing an active role in the music scene and making lots of friends. At 28, my grandmother had a son who she gave up for adoption, who we had the pleasure of connecting with in January of 2005, two months before she died. As the 1940's were a different time than today, Grandma had never spoke of this and held it secret. I believe that her strength in overcoming her previous shame and embracing her son after all these years really illuminates that you can always grow and open your heart a little more, even at 92. 

 Grandma in Edmonton
During the war, she worked for the war effort in an administrative position and played at dances for troops. She could type on a typewriter as fast as she could play piano! She met my grandfather in her 30's after WWII and was 37 years old when she had my Aunt and 39 when she had my mum. They moved all around Canada in the following years, living in Calgary, Toronto and finally settling in Victoria in 1975. I grew very close to Grandma in my teenage years and during university, happily running errands with her and helping her around the house. Grandma was always an amazing pianist, her fingers still had amazing agility and speed into her 90's. Her hands never ached with arthritis or any other age related ailments, and other than a little bit of osteoporosis, she was very healthy and mentally strong into her 90s. Part of this is due to her walking group, getting out and staying social.
 Grandma in Uniform
 Grandma and Grandad, Heather and Laurie (My mum on right)
 Cruising in San Diego
Grandma Playing Piano

From Grandma, I learned the following life lessons that I will always carry with me:

Keep being active all through life
Make time to pursue your hobbies
Be brave and follow your heart
Follow your own schedule in life
Stand up straight, embrace your height (because you'll miss it when you shrink!)
It's never too late to swallow your pride
You can return anything

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's been almost a month since I brought home our new addition. If you are not aware, Niki and I got a puppy, an American Cocker Spaniel by the name of Bunsen. I picked him up three weeks ago from Victoria, where he was hanging out with the in-laws and his sister. As a side bonus, I was able to combine the trip into a hang out time with some of my greatest friends.

Bunsen is pretty adorable, a little stubborn, and likes to bite. The first night here I think he was a little sad, as he had been with his sister Pippin up until that point. The valet parking service at the Edmonton Airport really screwed things up, so it took me over four hours from landing to getting home. He handled it very well, and luckily traveling with a puppy makes everyone treat you well. The little guy is a lot of work, and requires vast amounts of attention. The first week here temperatures were around -30, so that made the house training difficult, but it has warmed up, and Bunsen seems to be getting it. We have a little bell system set up, and he's finally ringing the bells every time he needs to go out. Up until a couple of days ago, I was just taking him outside every hour, ringing the bell as I opened the door.
He seems to view Niki as a giant chew toy, so that's the next problem to work on. People say puppies are a lot of work, and that's a huge understatement. I am looking forward to him being full grown, not needing constant supervision, and out of the chewing stage.
I wish I had more pictures. We have taken a lot, but he's blurry in most of them. Wiggle wiggle wiggle.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vancouver Island Christmas

Every other year Niki and I go to Victoria for Christmas. We love it. There are lots of puppy walks, good food, drinks, games and visiting with friends and family. It seems a few people decided to have a baby in the last year, so there are also a lot of baby pictures. I was finally able to meet one of my oldest and best friends new son, Niko. The little guy is adorable, and very healthy. Niki and I also found our own version of a baby, we are getting a puppy. His name is Bunsen, and he's a buff American Cocker Spaniel. I'm going back to Victoria on Jan 13 to bring him home. He was a little too young when we saw him to be taken away. His sister is going to Niki's sister Lindsay, and her name is Pippin. We're all very excited. As is tradition, we spent New Years in Campbell River with some very very good friends, the Lanyon family. We played a new to me game on New Year's Eve called Cards Against Humanity. The rules are very similar to Apples to Apples, but it is not for the easily offended. I will recommend it though, as I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time.
I didn't want to do a long entry, but just wanted to share our pictures from the holidays and say that while I didn't get to see everyone I would have liked, we had a perfect Christmas, miss everyone we saw, and love you all.