Friday, December 18, 2009

December Fun

It was apparently -54 last Saturday. That's in the wind of course, around a balmy -40's without the wind. I say apparently because I was enjoying the warmth that Vancouver has to offer. It's a "wet cold" in Van, but at least the air does not give you brain freeze.
Arguably my oldest and one of my best friends turned thirty on the tenth, so I flew out to Van to celebrate. It was a great time, had some sushi, went snowshoeing and generally had a good time. Thanks to Yarrow for organizing everything.
Another great thing happened on the tenth, my sister-in-law had a baby. Grats Lindsay, I mean Lisa :) I hear that mom is doing great, dad was a little stressed, and apparently baby Kirk Galen Apollo Tiberius James Thor Bond Ronald Eric Neufeld Handley looks a little like his grandfather. Yes, that is his full name. Very excited to meet him over Christmas.
I would love to write more, but I have to get ready for all the holiday going ons.
Have a great winter solstice and merry Christmas
PS - The youtube video at the bottom is my favourite Christmas song of 2009.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

That's the name? Chris & LIsa have mad baby naming skills!