Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January so far...

Our new year has been a good one so far. Weather wise we had a benediction of warm weather. There has been the usual winter reading and games. I have won every game of Settlers I have played in 2010. Albeit I have only played one game. We played a game called Puerto Rico with the Stobbe's that I would highly recoomend.
Niki and I were able to partake of a "Sonic Session" with Tegan and Sara. It was really neat, and the ladies signed our vinyl for us. Now we just need to get a record player...
Edmonton has a Ice Festival every year, which takes place right near our library. We have to return items to the library weekly, too many cd's, so of course we had to check it out.
Last weekend was Gilead's annual winter feast. Niki and her co-worker Paul were the MC's. I thought they both did a great job. The buffet was delicious, and I did not overeat. The only seconds I had was the salmon, it had scallops and shrimp in it. The Mennonite in me was whispering how expensive and good it was, so I had to get more.
All in all, a good January so far. There were even some free hour long massages at a spa. Hopefully the rest of the year is as good.


Jeff Richards said...

Sounds like a GREAT January!!

Scott said...

The only thing that was missing was some Jeff Richards time.