Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Canoeing and Concerts

It's been really rainy lately, not that I am complaining. Love the smell in the air, and I am not a big fan of heat. It's been sunny when we've needed it. Such as at the Bon Jovi concert last Thursday. Thank you Shelley for getting us $2 tickets, it was awesome!
Saturday we visited Aunt Kay in St. Albert and checked out St Alberts farmers market.  I love farmers markets, and all the free samples. Picked up some pie too. For the rest of the afternoon we boated down the North Sask with Aaron and Shelley. First time on the river for me, and I highly recommend it. A minor warning, if you have to go to shore as a result of liquid intake, make sure not to put ones foot down on an anthill. It's tricky to stop the ants from going up your legs and to take care of the whole reason you stopped on shore.
Sunday we had our first volunteers meeting for Folk Fest, which Niki and I are getting pretty excited for.
Tonight we're going to see Macbeth. We saw Much Ado when Niki's parents were out, so now it's time to see the other play on this summer. I've not been to a lot of live theatre, but I have yet to be disappointed when I have seen it.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Oooh... St Alberts Farmers Market! I don't remember going to this as a kid and maybe it's new, but you talking about St. Albert reminds me of my early childhood... I remember thinking the library was the coolest building, not sure if you've ever been there.