Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Fox's

Throughout ones life there are many influences that shape who you are. The Fox family is one of those influences. I have a small list of how growing up with Fox's in my life have imbued my daily living.

- Public libraries are cool. Though my family did use the library, some of my first memories of the library are going there with Julie, Matt and the Jen.
- Sandwiches cut diagonally taste better. 
- Take your family to the beach. This idea was demonstrated when I insisted, at around six years old, that my family go to the beach. The Fox's went all the time and so should we. The reason we had not gone to the beach for some time was that it was February. My young mind had not really grasped the idea of seasons, so I ended up swimming at Miracle Beach while everyone else watched on in amusement. It was very very cold.
- Carrots taste better from the garden. Julie often kept a large garden. Matt and I loved raiding the carrots whenever we could.
- If it's yellow, let it mellow.
- Having your own egg laying chickens are an option. They are not just weird animals living in the hay to be used for target practice.
- Arts and crafts is not something to do only in school.
- Clean as you go!!! 
- The cook does not do the dishes. As well, the person who adds the last dish to the drying rack that makes it collapse has to put them away.
- Don't drink juice when you're thirsty. Have a glass of water. Juice should also be drunk out of a small 'juice' glass.
-Everything has it's place. Especially when borrowing tools from the shop. Put them back where you found them.
- Coffee can be enjoyed anywhere...

There are a few more, but I can't think of them at the moment. There are usually moments in my day when something strikes me as a Foxism. Feel free to add any of your own in the comments:)

Friday, December 18, 2009

December Fun

It was apparently -54 last Saturday. That's in the wind of course, around a balmy -40's without the wind. I say apparently because I was enjoying the warmth that Vancouver has to offer. It's a "wet cold" in Van, but at least the air does not give you brain freeze.
Arguably my oldest and one of my best friends turned thirty on the tenth, so I flew out to Van to celebrate. It was a great time, had some sushi, went snowshoeing and generally had a good time. Thanks to Yarrow for organizing everything.
Another great thing happened on the tenth, my sister-in-law had a baby. Grats Lindsay, I mean Lisa :) I hear that mom is doing great, dad was a little stressed, and apparently baby Kirk Galen Apollo Tiberius James Thor Bond Ronald Eric Neufeld Handley looks a little like his grandfather. Yes, that is his full name. Very excited to meet him over Christmas.
I would love to write more, but I have to get ready for all the holiday going ons.
Have a great winter solstice and merry Christmas
PS - The youtube video at the bottom is my favourite Christmas song of 2009.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Has Arrived

Winter has decided to stop holding back and arrived with full force. Snow has fallen and so has the mercury.
I wish I had picture of it, but last Friday Dad and I were finishing up a job, drilling holes, and it was a nice little adventure. Snow was falling, we were racing to finish, so the truck would not get stuck leaving. The skid-steer almost tipped over backwards at one point, amongst other crazy happenings. I was feeling very Canadian at the end of it all.
With outside activities curtailed, we have been enjoying life on the inside. Lots of games, drinks and food. Settlers has come out of the box, we even taught it to the ladies renting the suite, which was loads of fun. Niki and I have started a tradition, if you win a game, you wear a viking hat. It has been too longs since I wore the hat, and am fixing to change that over the holidays.
In the classic Edmonton salutation, stay warm!