Saturday, October 10, 2009

First sNOOOOOw

It's official, things are white and cold. As Peter Brown pointed out, you can't spell snow without no.

I am busy trying to winterize the house. Well, not really, as I am actually busy writing this entry. I have also been organizing all our digital pictures using Picasa. I know google is all big and creepy, but it's just so darn useful. Its face recognition is very cool. It really picks people out of a crowd, and it's been cool seeing all the smiling faces in the background of our wedding pictures. It's also interesting to see how it confuses certain people. Niki apparently looks a lot like her friend Melissa and her sister Lindsay, while my brother Ryan and I look alike. At least the pictures when Ryan was a wee bit heavier.

If you see a picture you want the original of, let me know, and I can e-mail it to you.

The summer ended well. There were a couple trips to the West Ed water park. My dad and I got the fence done, stained, as well as staining the deck. There was a dead tree in the driveway that has been chopped up into firewood for a friend. Harvested the tobacco, so now we're trying to figure out how to cure and then smoke it. I met some new cousins, which is always neat. Niki and I took part in the Walk for Life, which was a good time for a good cause.
Pictures of many these activities are in our on line web album. Click on the link to peruse them.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

Think you' ll have snow for hallowe'en? That seems so crazy! Can't wait to see you two this weekend...only 4 days life til then