It's pothole season in Edmonton. We don't have spring, we have melting snow and potholes. Then one weekend all the snow is gone, and BAM, everything is green. We took advantage of the remaining snow before it vanished to have a little fun. I have never been on a skidoo before, it is a whole mess of fun. I was a little timid on the machine at first, but then my brother made a comment about feeling more alive when you're almost out of control. I took those words to heart and floored it. I have not had that much fun in awhile. Racing around an open field, warm sun shining, it's a blast. There were a few spots where our tracks in the snow looked a little different. They went from three tracks, two skis and the belt, to just the belt. There was one spot where I had gone that was just the one tra
ck for about 60 feet. Dad's biggest concern was not loosing his hat. Don't worry, the rest of us had helmuts, and he was going extra slow. It was kinda cute, puttering around, holding his hat. I might be getting a little flack for that, as dad is becoming more and more computer literate and will probably read this.
Niki spent most of Sunday quilting, she finished a lot and it's looking pretty amazing.
Other than that, the last couple of weeks have been the usual Settlers, seeing friends, and hanging out. Niki did get to see the Circus last weekend. It sounded pretty fun, and there were elephants!
Hehe, for a second there watching the video I thought it was just you standing behind the camera making those noises yourself.
HAHA. That would be so funny.
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